Friday, January 3, 2014

It's a New Year with Promises...

"Every end 
is a
- unknown

The decorations are down… the boxes are out,  I am surrounded by 
the memories of another holiday season ended 
while having entered a new year.
The first few days of January are always a time of 
 Looking back and looking forward.
Taking inventory of the goods, the bads, and the continued dreams.
I love the concept of choosing a word for the year. 
I'm a big believer of making lists, planning and sticky notes.
(Ask my daughter… I really love sticky notes.)
So my personal word for this year is going to be… 
It may sound a little weird, but I am choosing this little word
because it personifies the whole process I want to see for myself in the coming year.
I love the fact that the word 
is so small.
Okay… here's the vulnerable part… 
I see myself as that  l i t t l e  word… 
with the capacity for BIGness.
I see a foundation that God has been providing for that BIGness
and I now believe it's time to 
step into 
that BIGness. 

Want to join me? 
Is it time to
step into 
for you too? 

in your art
in your believe
in your serve
in your connection
in your action
I'm planning on pushing the boundaries into 
this year 
in many parts of life
starting with 
a 30 day journaling project
with Lisa Sonora Beam

Journaling with art & word...
I'll be posting the process here, as I lean in.

Please feel free to leave your words and thoughts  
if you join me on this path…  
What boundaries will you push to grow 
into your own 
haPPy 2014!

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